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The Second Edition of Marine and Coastal Law presents edited legal opinions, study questions, and topical summaries on a comprehensive range of maritime and marine resource issues, providing an accessible and informative survey of this area of law., The second edition of "Marine and Coastal Law: Cases and Materials" updates Nixon's classic casebook with 25 percent new post-1994 landmark case material plus valuable new features, including editorial commentary for all cases, examples to support study questions after each case, and chapter introductions., This extensively updated and enhanced new edition of author Dennis Nixon's classic casebook provides advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and law students in courses in marine affairs and law with an essential grounding in the leading legal decisions and statutory provisions in U.S. marine and coastal law. Cases have been selected for their legal clarity, interesting factual background, doctrinal and precedential importance, and applicability to emerging areas of litigation, maritime affairs, and coastal management. This rapidly evolving and contentious area of the law has seen a steady stream of landmark decisions and legislation in the years since the publication of the first edition of "Marine and Coastal Law: Cases and Materials." The second edition is updated with 25 percent new post-1994 landmark case material and is enhanced with valuable new pedagogic features, including editorial commentary for all cases, examples to support study questions after each case, and chapter introductions. The enhancements benefit from the expertise of two new coauthors.

Dennis W. Nixon - Marine and Coastal Law : Cases and Materials in EPUB, DOC, FB2

D. B. Cooperand's case has become the stuff of legend and obsessed and cursed his pursuers with everything from bankruptcy to suicidal despair.Sharing his expertise and insight as a former special agent and intelligence officer, Mizell also offers proven tips for fighting backspecific to each sectoras well as an extensive list of contacts for receiving further information, getting help, or reporting a crime.The course teaches both the romanised system and basic character use.The goal is to get readers to think for themselves about what's right and what's wrong, sharpening their own instincts for the reasons and analyses that win arguments., How Would You Rule is a lighthearted introduction to fundamental concepts of law through strange but true legal cases.Mirroring the secret and underground qualities of "illegal" immigration, Mack shows, Franco-Arab youth increasingly choose to withdraw from official scrutiny of the French Republic and to thwart its desires for universalism and transparency.Here We Are (2001-2007), the closing section of the book, examines photography’s capacity to consider the existential condition.The International Law Reports is the only publication in the world wholly devoted to the regular and systematic reporting in English of decisions of international courts and arbitrators as well as judgments of national courts.Intercloud exchange/Market place, service fulfillment, service assurance, billing, identity, security, visibility, control, optimization, application peering and federations are just a few of the many technology and business components analyzed in this book.Early use cases for the new utility include delivery of applications and services via a "public cloud." Also, "private clouds" are illustrated, where an enterprise extends its own data center dynamically in-house.Rather than a simple definition, users are given a satisfying and sophisticated synopsis with references for further study.This illustrated edition, a celebration of the booke(tm)s standard of excellence and of Lowrye(tm)s illustrious writing, makes a perfect gift.Included are some well known cases, including the sickening murders committed by Fred and Rose West at their very own house of horror, 25 Cromwell Street.